Free Domain Name:
You benefit by having your own branded domain name... such as, or, or Your club, business, organization, or just you, yourself can benefit greatly by establishing your own domain name on the internet. With every single new customer gets One Free .com, .net, or .org Domain Name for as long as you remain a fully paid client. You will pay NO Internic charges, EVER! That's right, no more $35 per year or more Internic registration fees... YourWorldWebHost says, No More! Each of our web sites comes with its very own domain name that you decide. So, for example, the name of the web site might be, or A true domain is when you get your very own unique IP address on the web server. Many hosts offer 'fake virtual' domain accounts, which means they fool most browsers into redirecting themselves to the correct directory on the server. This method only works with certain browsers, is not full featured and is not a professional solution.